Ryan loves the Simpson's. I wanted to make him a Simpson's blanket ever since we got married. I searched all over for Simpson fabric. I couldn't find it anywhere. I couldn't even find a website that carried Simpson Fabric.
spectacular day at the Ogden DI, I found a
Simpson's flat twin sheet! And for $2! It was in pretty good condition. My creative brain started forming ideas and I remembered my grandma used to turn flat sheets into twin quilts. I was going to make him blanket with that twin sheet. Mom had 2 bolts of royal blue backing fabric and it matched exactly so she graciously donated to the cause. I decided to
surprise Ryan at Christmas with this quilt.
I finished my finals and went to work at 11pm one night. 12 hours later at 11am i came home, called my sisters to come over and help. I was going to need their help to finish this before our flight that night. Ryan was going to be home at 5pm and we were leaving for the airport to fly to California for Christmas. We furiously tried to get it ready for machine stitching. I was just going to sew 4 straight lines down the the quilt from top to bottom. It wasn't going well. I no practically no experience machine quilting. I spent more and more time unpicking and time was running out. 5 minutes before Ryan would be home, my visiting teacher showed up at the door. I didn't want to be rude, but I had a really tight deadline. Luckily, she understood my
predicament. Finally, despite the crooked quilting lines, I stuffed it in suitcase about two minutes before Ryan walked in the door. I would just finish the edges at his parents house before Christmas.

He was so
surprised when opened the present Christmas morning. He stayed wrapped up in the blanket the rest of the trip. He wanted to put it on our queen size bed when we got home.

** Confession - It took me another year before I got around to finishing the edges. Better late than never, right?