I love Strawberry Shortcake (the old one) and when I found this fabric a few years ago, I couldn't pass up. Besides, one can never have too many baby quilts right? Although with no kids, it makes a little less sense to have so many...

I found this panel on clearance a few years ago while shopping and fell in love with it. So simple and girly. And so far, most of the stuff I made was boy stuff (I just didn't find girl fabric I liked as much).
I quilted it with pink cotton crosheen and then used some pink satin binding I picked up for free somewhere. The next step caused me grief and pain. I sewed one edge of the satin binding down and then proceeded to pin the other edge down so I could hand stitch around the rest of the quilt. Oh how I regretted the decision to use that satin binding. I took it to work to hand stitch on my lunch break. The first day I only got about 6 inches done. I was frustrated. this was going to take forever. After a few more days, I got the hang of it and managed to finish it quicker than I thought. I'm not sure if I'll ever use satin binding again. Once might just be enough.

I picked this panel up at a clearance table back in Provo. But there was only 2/3 of a yard and not enough to make quilt. I cut some strips to put at the top to enlarge it to a yard and then turn it into a baby quilt.

I picked this panel up the same time as the previous one. It is a cute rag doll pattern. I tied this one with cotton crosheen as well (can you see my pattern for quilting and tying with cotton crosheen?) I wish I could keep them all!

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